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Sitemap for

For the convenience of visitors who like to see an index, or in the case of a website, a Sitemap, so that you can quickly find the page you are looking for, this is our first sitemap, and hopefully as complete and as accurate as possible so it serves you well.

Note: this is a Bi-lingual site, with both Spanish and English pages. Watch for the link at the top of the page to take you to the other one, if you arrive on a page that is not your preferred language. Please understand that the web-master does not know Spanish, so the English page is produced first, and the Spanish page is created and added, after the translation is submitted.

Look at the URL of the page you are on. If the name starts with en-.... that is an English page. If there is not the the beginning, then you should be on a Spanish page.

The pages have been updated to the Responsive format in July 2024, so the pages will adapt to the size of the screen from which YOU are viewing the pages. The founder, Larry Crabtree, is preparing new pages and articles to add to this site at this point, so you are likely to find new information and content from July 2024 onward.

The Main Information Pages

Index or HOME page. [English]

Recursos Evangélicos en Español [Spanish]

About Founder - Larry Crabtree [English]

fundador-Larry-Crabtree [Spanish]

How Spanish Evangelical Resources Began [English]

inicio Recursos Evangelicos en Espanol [Spanish]

Doctrinal Statement [English]

Declaracion-Doctrinal [Spanish]

Privacy Policy [English]

Neustrat politica de privacidad [Spanish]

Downloadable Commentaries as eBooks

en-download-books [English Index]

Descargar Libros [Spanish Index]

en Bible Commentaries in Spanish [English]

Commentarios Biblicos en Espanol [Spanish]

en 1+2 Thessalonians [English]

1+2 Tesalonicenses [Spanish]

Ephesians [English]

Efesios [Spanish]

Acts of the Apostles [English]

Hechos de los Apostoles [Spanish]

en Philippians [English]

Filipenses [Spanish]

en-Mark [English]

Marcos [Spanish]

en James [English]

Santiago [Spanish]

Extra Evangelical Resources// Recusos Evangelicos

en prayer Scriptures [English]

Escrituras Oracion [Spanish]

en Prayer Requests and Answers [English]

Peticiones y Respuestas [Spanish]

Christian Articles // Articulos Christianos

en Christian articles [English]

Articulos Christianos [Spanish]

en-Killing the Dragon of Ministerial Jealousy [English]

Mantando el dragon de los celos ministeriales [Spanish]

en-Consistent Reading of God's Word [English]

Constante de Palabra de Dios [Spanish]

en Forgiveness [English]

El perdon [Spanish]

en Additional Resources [English]

recursos adicionales [Spanish]

Photo Stories & Reports of Ministry Trips to Guatemala

We did have some pages with Reports and photo stories of trips to Guatemala, but they were rather out-of-date. we have put them aside until we can turn them into interesting picture ebooks with updated reports, etc. So they are likely to be back on this site after some work on them. We have other newer reports coming soon, and it seems good to be wise and organized about these Report Pages.

If you are looking all over for certain pages, it may just be that it is one we have set apart to work over in a better, more attractive format. Keep checking back from time to time...

These Bible Commentary booklets were born in the mind and heart of Fred Morris, who was concerned that people in many parts of the world needed to learn these precious truths about God and His Son Jesus, in their own language and in an affordable way. He wrote many such booklets. Learn more about Fred Morris and his wife Lorna at the (USA) website.

Another website has an editor and others at work preparing more and more of Fred's books for free download in 4 languages so far. Western culture/jargon is removed and religious terms are explained. They are easy to translate into more languages. (Yes, this is a BIG project!)

This site is focused on providing the Spanish translations as free downloads, and other helpful materials in this bi-lingual Spanish/English website.

Copyright 2010-2024, Larry Crabtree & Spanish Evangelical Resources

General English Footer Menu

en-SITEMAP \o/ Home \o/ About Founder
How SER Began \o/ Doctrinal Statement \o/ Privacy
Bible Commentaries \o/ Download Books \o/ Additional Resources \o/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Note: This site has been re-built to be Responsive to your device.