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The Consistent Reading Of God's Word

by Rev. Dr. Monte Shinkle

I had the wonderful privilege of growing up in a home where the word of God was treasured. Through the years I watched my mother in particular as she faithfully and consistently read the Bible from cover to cover. It was her pattern to start at the beginning on January 1 and close out December with "even so come Lord Jesus".

I do not know how many times she read all the way through God's Word but I do know she inspired me. I would answer the call to preach the gospel in my late teens and head off to seminary in 1977. I would be plunged into the study of languages, theology, missions and ministry. I spent much time studying about the Bible. I learned how we received it. I learned why we can trust its accuracy. I learned how to exegete scripture and apply it to daily living. But one day I woke up only to realize I had never read it through.

I made several attempts at reading it through only to get distracted and fail to finish. But somewhere in the early 1980's I made it through. I felt a sense of accomplishment. Now, nearly 30 years later I am closing in on having read the Bible through over 25 times. I do not get a gold star for that neither do I get a gold star in my crown but I have gained much over these last 25 years.

I recommend many kinds of Bible study. But to me I am biased toward a simple method of daily reading God's Word. Approximately three chapters in the old and one in the new will take you through in a year. The benefits are astounding and beyond number. It builds a discipline into our spiritual life that we must have. Step by step we walk through the lives of biblical heroes. We grow in knowledge. With the passing years and with each new reading we discover truths both old and new. Everyday we set the Lord before us.

The Bible is a marvelous book. I have often been amazed that methodically reading God's Word has often put me at the very text I needed for the trial I faced. I heard from God through His Word on that day at the right time. Only God can so order my life. But it wouldn't have happened if I was not consistently reading.

Try it. It will change your life.

Spanish Evangelical Resources
5416 La Charette Dr.
Jefferson City
MO 65109
Printed by: TECNIMPRESOS, Guatemala City, Guatemala
© Copyright 2000, by Fred Morris, Manna Publications USA, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Read How Spanish Evangelical Resources Began

The Great Need We See

Mayan church leaders in the Suchitepequez area of Guatemala where we serve have few reference books. A pastor in a western country may have 500-1000 books in his library. A Mayan pastor may have none at all. There are two primary reasons for this shortage of reference materials: the Mayans do not have the money to buy reference materials and low cost, Biblically sound reference materials are not available to them. Our burden is to make the much needed reference materials available to Mayan pastors, church leaders, and teachers through the training seminars we conduct in the area where they live.

These Bible Commentary booklets were born in the mind and heart of Fred Morris, who was concerned that people in many parts of the world needed to learn these precious truths about God and His Son Jesus, in their own language and in an affordable way. He wrote many such booklets. Learn more about Fred Morris and his wife Lorna at the (USA) website.

Another website has an editor and others at work preparing more and more of Fred's books for free download in 4 languages so far. Western culture/jargon is removed and religious terms are explained. They are easy to translate into more languages. (Yes, this is a BIG project!)

This site is focused on providing the Spanish translations as free downloads, and other helpful materials in this bi-lingual Spanish/English website.

Copyright 2010-2024, Larry Crabtree & Spanish Evangelical Resources

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