Paul wrote this letter to the Galatians church with Holy Spirit guidance, concern, and love: to teach the truth of God from the Scriptures, to preach salvation through Christ alone, and to reach those who are open to the Holy Spirit. He loved the fellowships of believers and knew them personally. Paul wanted them to reject false teachers. He wanted to protect new believers from straying from God’s everlasting salvation in Christ. He knew salvation could not be found just by following laws and traditions. Paul also knew that the church was at risk of following unBiblical laws and new ideas of some of the believers. His letter warns us all that going down the wrong path is easy. Paul also warns us that being “free in Christ” through His costly sacrifice does not mean we are then free to do as we like. We must be prepared to listen to God’s Bible truth for the wisdom of His Holy Spirit and not be enslaved by false teachings.
Read How Spanish Evangelical Resources Began
Churches in rural areas of Mexico and Guatemala, where we serve, often lack reference books for studying the Bible. This shortage can be attributed to two primary reasons: the churches do not have the financial means to purchase these materials, and even if they did, Biblically sound reference materials are not readily available to them. Our ministry distributes these reference materials at no cost at church conferences and via download on the internet.
These Bible Commentary booklets were born in the mind and heart of Fred Morris, who was concerned
that people in many parts of the world needed to learn these precious truths about God and His Son Jesus,
in their own language and in an affordable way. He wrote many such booklets. Learn more about Fred Morris
and his wife Lorna at the (USA) website.
Another website has an editor
and others at work preparing more and more of Fred's books for free download in 4 languages so far. Western
culture/jargon is removed and religious terms are explained. They are easy to translate into more languages.
(Yes, this is a BIG project!)
This site is focused on providing the Spanish translations as free downloads, and other helpful materials
in this bi-lingual Spanish/English website.